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Advancing gold and copper projects in West Africa

Exploration of high-grade gold prospects in world-class terranes in Côte d’Ivoire

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Investment Highlights

The World Class Birimian Gold Terrane in Côte D’Ivoire, the highest ranked region for gold discovery over the past decade, and still under-explored

High-grade gold intercepts at recent discovery include 45m @ 8.58 g/t gold from 104m, with limited drilling across an open 12km anomalous gold corridor

Experienced Board and Exploration team with track record of discovery and project development in West Africa

Projects recently acquired by Many Peaks have extensive high-quality databases from over US$4.5M of previous exploration expenditure

Aggressive exploration program with 23,655m of reconnaissance drilling completed in second half of  2024 and a fully funded >10,000m drilling planned and in progress for the first half of 2025

Côte d’Ivoire: a stable and attractive mining investment jurisdiction, with West Africa the fastest growing gold producing region globally

West African Project Highlights

  • Expansive 1,919km2 land package including recent gold discoveries
  • Leveraging over US$4m of previous exploration expenditure and exploration success
  • 300km2 Ferke Gold Project host to open high-grade gold mineralisation from surface
  • 758km2 Odienne Project host to recent shallow gold intersections in drilling, on trend with Predictive’s 5.4Moz Au Bankan Project and Centamin’s 2.16Moz ABC project and contiguous to a new discovery by Awalé Resources/Newmont joint venture
  • Our team has a depth of West African operating experience tied to multiple discovery and development projects over the past 15 years

Canadian Project Highlights

Aska Lithium Project

  • Many Peaks Minerals’ licences cover extensive outcropping, pegmatites in an emerging lithium district in Newfoundland, Canada
  • Contiguous land position within terrane hosting Lithium-caesium-tantalum (LCT) type pegmatite occurrences
  • Lake sediment sampling results highlight caesium and tantalum anomalism in the Aska Pegmatite field – bracketed by several Beryllium and lithium occurrences along the Gander-Dunnage zone
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